General Advice For Claims
At iLink Insurance Brokers we place strong emphasis upon claims service for our clients. Our highly personalised service assures that when a claim arises, we will assist you in every way possible.
Step 1 - Download Claim Form
Property Claim Forms
Liability Claim Forms
Step 2 - Print the downloaded form & Fill it up.
Step 3 - Scan the filled up copy.
In the event of a claim or loss, there are some basic rules and/or procedures which you should be aware of.
- To understand our client’s insurance needs and structure exceptional programmes that produce the best possible results
- Saving our clients time and money by managing your insurance needs so you can concentrate on running your business
- Eliminate the need for you to conduct price and product comparison for your insurance needs
- Ensure your insurances are in place with secure and stable insurers
- Provide you with the confidence and certainty to pursue your objectives
Adherence to the above basics will assist in the effective management of your claim.
What To Do In The Event Of A Claim
- All losses or incidents which may result in a claim are to be reported to iLink Insurance Brokers as soon as possible.
- If the loss involves theft, burglary or malicious damage contact the Police immediately and record details of the officer, station notified and police report number
- Complete the appropriate claim form and return to our office. Attach all supporting documentation including repair quotes and original valuations or receipts where possible
- We will submit insurance claims directly to your insurer with supporting documents
- We will inform you of the appointment of loss adjusters, solicitors and other consultants by your insurer
- We will recommend and facilitate the appointment of other professional advisors (if necessary)
- Actively work with your insurer or their representative/s to resolve and negotiate claims effectively.
- Ensure timely receipt of settlement payments from your insurer.
- Periodically review outstanding estimates of the claim and keep you informed on the current position of outstanding claims.
We believe that the handling of insurance claims requires an intimate knowledge of your insurance policy including endorsements and exclusions applicable to your insurance policy. That is where we can add value by offering claims management services to you.